What can we provide at michael baker international?
We know how to analyze and provide you with easy-to-understand data. Michael Baker has developed an efficient and effective “big data” analysis application and workflow that quickly and efficiently processes and compares records of national broadband and demographic data, including datasets such as FCC Form 477 and Ookla to help identify areas of improvement or opportunity.
Analysis of current broadband status is incredibly helpful in understanding the coverage, speed, resources, and gaps of connectivity. In addition to connectivity, the development of data dashboards for a comprehensive Broadband atlas provides the opportunity to analyze demographic and socioeconomic impacts on access and adoption including Environmental Justice and Title VI.
Analysis of current broadband status is incredibly helpful in understanding the coverage, speed, resources, and gaps of connectivity. In addition to connectivity, the development of data dashboards for a comprehensive Broadband atlas provides the opportunity to analyze demographic and socioeconomic impacts on access and adoption including Environmental Justice and Title VI.